Why invest in Japan?
Many Singaporeans have started to look abroad due to the high property prices back home and recently some have started investing in Japanese properties, mainly Tokyo properties. Let us examine a few factors which may be contributing to the renewed optimism in Tokyo real estate.
1) The weak yen is helping to boost demand for properties in Japan.
2) Japan has won the right to host the 2020 Olympics. It will be held in Tokyo.
3) Japanese real estate is currently at historically low prices.
4) Properties in neighbouring countries have skyrocketed the last few years and Tokyo prices are comparatively cheap as compared to similar developed cities like Singapore and Hong Kong.
5) As a city, Tokyo remains the world's largest in it's population and GDP
It is more densely populated than places like Singapore, Hong Kong and even New York! With such high population density, rental prices and demand are stable.
6) Tokyo is a safe city, rich in history and tradition. There is a rule of law (annual number of homicide per 1 million people is 10.5. This is relatively low among major cities around the world)
Yours Sincerely,
Daryl Lum 林文忠 | B.A. Economics (NUS), Cert-in-CEHA
District Partner
License No.: R029446F
ECG Property Pte Ltd
(A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ECG Group of Companies)
Estate Agent no. L3009759F
(M) +65 9009 8731
(E) daryllum@ecgproperty.com
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(W) http://daryllum.stproperty.com.sg (For Overseas Properties)
(W) www.daryllum.blogspot.com (My Personal Blog)
(W) www.lovelyhomes.com.sg
(W) www.ecgproperty.com